
Hi my dear friends, today im going to talk about a family meal that I can remember. That meal was in 2010, specifically in February 26. It wasnt a special date in that occasion, but it was friday and the end of the summer vacations in that year, but I really think we met that time just for the fact that it was friday and everybody loves fridays. We met to eat at the night in our current house, and it was my mom, my dad and my two brothers (my big brother Camilito and my little brother Valentin). My younger brother wasnt with us in that meal, because he came to live with us in 2011 when he was six. So, we ate rice cooked for my mom as usual (elmejorlejos****), accompanied of chicken, salads, laughs, drinks and jokes until early morning. Nothing was really memorable during the meal, but minutes after the family night's over started a really strong earthquake that brought as together again inside home. I remember the full moon that night illuminated everything in home through the windows, wich accompained by deafening noise and the collective adrenaline, made a very crazy moment for me. The nice and funny moment during the meal, next to the early morning earthquake makes me remember that night as one of the most intense and fun at the same time in my young times.


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