
Sorry but its so difficult talk about a particular person. Id like to mention about Camilo in first place. Camilo o Mamilin is my big brother, and i like him cause he always he has always been there to lay me a hand and listen to me in hard times since i was a kid. Most of the time we went out, whether to go partying or just to accompany each other in the daily chores. Also, id like  to mention about Lucas. He is a friend who lives near where i live, place where we met for the first time. When we were youngers we used to play football in a beautiful soccer field located in front of his house. Now, we like get together to talk cause we laugh a lot, as also we like smoke some little things and make/listen music. But above all, i like him cause he is so comical, a very easy going person and a good travel partner. In the last summer, we went to Perú and the chilean north with him and his little brother, and it was a really funny adventure. By last, id like to mention Sofia, a friend since we were very small kids in the basic school. I like her cause shes a adorable, a very good person and she loves the animals as much like me. Id like to mention more beautiful people of my life but i think i can’t hahaha thats all for today. Salut


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